Legal conditions & Privacy


This website (hereinafter the "Site") is published by The SCI du METROPOLE Monte-Carlo Principauté de Monaco (the "Company").

SCI du METROPOLE Monte-Carlo Principauté de Monaco
4, avenue de la Madone
98000 Monaco
Tél. (+377) 93 50 15 10
Fax (+377) 93 15 05 56


3 boulevard de Tourrettes
83440 Fayence
Website :
E-mail Address :


Access to the Site and the use of its contents are subject to the Terms of Use described below (the "Terms"). The access and navigation on the site are from the user a full acceptance of these Terms. The Company reserves the right to periodically review these Terms without notice.
The Company has done everything in its power to ensure that the information accessible through the Site is accurate. However the Company does not in any way guarantee that such information is accurate, complete and current.
In no event shall the Company shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, of whatever nature, arising from the use of the Site. The Company also assumes no responsibility for any interference, interruption, disconnection and any other malfunction of the Site.
The user of the site fully guarantees the Company against any claim or claims of third parties regarding the use of the Site by that user.


The Site and each of its elements including text, information, images, icons, photographs, illustrations, multimedia (graphics, audio and video), charts, reports, software, HTML code and other material are and remain the exclusive property of the Company, the exclusive right to exploit the intellectual property rights and personality rights thereon, including trademarks, logos, domain names, designs, copyright and image rights, as the originator or by the effect of 'express permission. Any reproduction or representation of all or part of the Site or any of its elements is prohibited as well as alteration, adaptation, dissemination, distribution by any means, publication, exhibition and communication.


The creation of hypertext links to the Site may be made without the prior written consent of the Company and may be revoked at any time. The Company is not responsible for the content of the linked website (if this happens).


The SCI du METROPOLE Monte-Carlo Principauté de Monaco (hereinafter « SCI METROPOLE ») strives to give paramount importance to the respect of the privacy of its customers and prospects, and the users of the Internet site that it manages and of the confidentiality of their personal data. SCI METROPOLE undertakes to treat the data that it processes, in the respect of the rules applicable as the general Regulation on the protection of personal data (RGPD/GDPR).

ARTICLE 1 : Definitions
- Personal data : any information relating to a natural person likely to be identified, either directly or indirectly.
- Processing of personal data : Any operation or set of operations, on such data, whatever the process used, automated or not (collection, recording, organization, conservation, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission dissemination or any other form of provision, reconciliation or interconnection, blocking, erasure or destruction, ...).
- Cookies : A cookie is a small computer file, a tracer, placed and read for example during the consultation of an Internet site, the reading of a e-mail, the installation or the use of a software or a mobile application and this, whatever the type of terminal used (computer, smartphone, etc.).

ARTICLE 2 : Responsible of the treatment
The body responsible for the processing of personal data is SCI METROPOLE, whose headquarters is in the 4, avenue of the Madonna in Monaco (98000).

ARTICLE 3 : Rights
In accordance with the legislation in force, users have rights of access, rectify, erasure, opposition and limitation of the processing of their personal data. Each user can:
- Make a request for portability for the data provided and which are necessary to the treatment which he has consented;
- Free access, modify or delete their personal data, except legal obligations (accounting, taxation, controls) to keep by SCI METROPOLE;
- Give instructions relating to the conservation, erase and to the communication of the data of users after the death;
- Exercise its rights by contacting SCI METROPOLE, specifying their name, surname, postal address, and email by postal mail: SCI METROPOLE, 4, avenue of the Madonna in Monaco (98000).
- Remove at any time of its consent to using the an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each message sent;
- Train in the event of a dispute a claim with the CCIN whose contact details are listed at the internet address

ARTICLE 4 : Cookies
The Site uses cookies that have for purpose to facilitate navigation on the site, and to run the service provided by SCI METROPOLE. Most of the cookies used by SCI METROPOLE are cookies of functional type. They allow you to manage some of the features of the site, to facilitate the connection to the site, make more pleasant the registration process of the user. Some cookies also allow to proceed with measures of hearing, to propose advertisements and share content published on our site to different social networks.

The main operation is based on the use of a cookie containing an anonymous identifier. Each user has the possibility to refuse the installation of this cookie on his device, but this will jeopardize the access of the proposed service. 
The acceptance of the Cookie Facilitating the connection to the site is at the discretion of the user at the time of the connection to the site and editable at any time with the click of a mouse.

ARTICLE 5 : Safety
SCI METROPOLE takes all the necessary measures to ensure the security of personal data that it collects. 
No personal data is stored within the premises of SCI METROPOLE, personal data collected are hosted by subcontractors specialized (web hosts, emailing). 
Access to servers or to secure databases is managed directly by SCI METROPOLE. The servers are the subject of a restricted access by identifying and strong password, by an encrypted connection of type ssl / HTTPS. 
The servers are hosted in data centers of the Company RDigitale, highly secure.

ARTICLE 6 : Duration of data retention
To meet its legal obligations or in order to have the necessary elements to assert its rights, SCI METROPOLE will archive the data under the conditions laid down by the Regulation. The duration of retention of your personal data varies depending on the purpose of their collections:
- The Data Users (identity, electronic contact details, historical use of services), allowing the operation of the site managed by SCI METROPOLE are retained for the duration of use of the Internet site and the maximum of three (3) years from the end of the removal of the account;
- At the end of this period, all the personal data will be archived and then destroyed.

ARTICLE 7 : Transfer of data outside the EU
SCI METROPOLE can be brought to transfer some of the data users outside of the European Union. The transfer of personal data outside of the European Union will not be made only to countries in which the level of security of personal data is recognized by the European Union or by contractual provisions types.

ARTICLE 8 : Information in the case of data theft
If despite all the protections implemented by SCI METROPOLE and its sub- contractors, some of the personal data were subjected to a security vulnerability, SCI METROPOLE undertakes to inform the users within the legal time limits in force. 
This obligation of legal information cannot be interpreted as a recognition of responsibility or of negligence on the part of SCI METROPOLE or its sub- contractors.

ARTICLE 9 : Changes to Privacy Policy
SCI METROPOLE reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, in particular in application of the changes to the laws and regulations in force. 
The Privacy Policy is available in several languages. The French version of the privacy policy will prevail in the event of divergence between the versions or of difficulties in the interpretation of any kind.